Executive Compensation report now available

IR Magazine has released a new report examining company practice in executive compensation and how this relates to IR. The report investigates how much attention investors focus on executive pay and how this has changed in recent years, particularly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This report is available to IR Advanced subscriber Click here to view the report, or if you are an IR Essential Subscriber or you are not yet a subscriber view the sample:

Click to read Sample: Executive Compensation research report /**/


The report also details how decisions on executive pay are communicated to investors and looks at the value of linking executive compensation to company performance and ESG metrics.

Findings are based on the IR Magazine Global IR Survey conducted from Q4 2021 to Q1 2022, as well as the IR Magazine Global Investor Survey conducted in Q4 2021. Data in the report is broken down by region, job title and company size.


Key findings

  • Just under seven in 10 investors consider executive compensation as part of their investment thesis.
  • Alignment of interests between management and shareholders is the key benefit investors see in linking executive compensation to company performance.
  • The most common challenge cited by investors in linking executive compensation to company performance is [SUBSCRIBE TO REVEAL DATA].
  • Approaching half of IROs have seen an increased investor interest in executive compensation over the past five years, while [SUBSCRIBE TO REVEAL DATA] percent of investors say they have spoken more about the issue with companies in this time.
  • [SUBSCRIBE TO REVEAL DATA] in 10 boards have changed the way they approach executive compensation following the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • A slight majority of companies have at least one board member speak to investors about executive compensation.
  • More than [SUBSCRIBE TO REVEAL DATA] investors polled expect board directors to discuss executive compensation packages with them.
  • Nearly three quarters of investors expect executive compensation to be linked to ESG metrics.
  • Globally, [SUBSCRIBE TO REVEAL DATA] percent of boards link executive compensation to ESG metrics.



Click here to download the report >>


This report is available only to IR Advanced and IR Intel subscribers to IR Magazine


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