The earnings call is undoubtedly one of the most regular and established occasions in a company’s calendar of events. This opportunity for multi-faceted engagement between senior management, investors, analysts and the media plays a vital role in opening and maintaining dialogue with the global financial community.
Click to read Best Practice Report – Innovating with earnings calls
Some companies will stick to the familiar formula to get the job done. But this new best practice report from IR Magazine, in partnership with Notified, speaks directly with leading IROs at major global brands to inform and inspire you to think bigger and achieve greater in your next earnings call.
Benchmark your foundations by engaging your essential stakeholders, preparing your message and messengers, then finalizing your content. Hear what our IROs have discovered when it comes to virtual versus their return to in-person events, then weigh up which measures, methods, strategic approaches and thought processes will work best for you.
Delivering your innovative earnings call is only half the battle – our IR experts tell us what they use to evaluate effectiveness to add value to their companies. Think bigger, act bolder and make your reinvigorated earnings call your proof point in your long-term strategy.
The key benefits an IRO will get from reading the report:
- Define and get right the basics of a successful multi-stakeholder earnings call
- Discover the new ideas IRO peers at corporate giants are actioning
- Use the latest in-person and virtual tactics most effectively
- Measure and demonstrate the success of your messages landing
- Maximize the value of your earnings calls post-event
- Our IR experts give their tried and tested ‘learnings from earnings’
Click to read the Best Practice Report: Innovating with earnings calls now available >>