ESG Integration Forum – Europe

Clifford Chance offices, London

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


    As the momentum behind ESG continued to grow, so too did the challenge of keeping up to date with growing regulatory and market demands.

    This year, in the context of global market volatility and continued supply chain disruption, companies in Europe needed to respond to these demands in a way that also met the short and medium term financial needs of their business.

    The ESG Integration Forum – Europe 2024 was designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge to ensure you were ready to meet investors’ expectations and make ESG central to your business strategy.

    Who attends our events

    Our attendees are leading governance, IR and sustainability practitioners with an established track record and strategic governance or IR role within their company.

    Below is a sample of some of our past attendees:

    Assistant general counselMercer
    Associate general counselAvePoint
    CEO, founderCompetent Boards
    CFOEnteq Technologies
    Chief ESG officerNon-Standard Finance
    Climate change specialistRobeco
    Company secretarial assistantHenry Boot
    Corporate analystKooth
    Director business complianceSerco Group
    Director, IRBabcock International
    ESG engagement managerKingfisher
    ESG governanceHSBC Holdings
    Group head, sustainabilityEntain
    Group M&A legal counselArcelorMittal
    Head of capital marketsAEDAS Homes
    Head of ESG transformationUpfield
    Head of IRBarry Callebaut
    Head of IRPlus500
    Head of IRRubis
    Head of legal, company secretaryTen Lifestyle Group
    IRSeplat energy
    IR managerAtenor
    IR, ESG managerRolls-Royce
    Managing director, legal groupAccenture
    NED, company secretarySirius Petroleum
    Senior IR, ESG managerBAT
    Stakeholder dialogue specialistCEZ Group
    Sustainability finance managerBurberry
    Sustainability officerArion Bank
    VP, general counsel EU and AsiaICL Group


    Register your interest

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    Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London