Cultivating your virtual self: Ticker 125

Over the last year, IR teams and senior management have been forced to embrace virtual interaction – whether they wanted to or not, and whether they were good at it or not. Thankfully, there are many tactics you can use to improve the way you come across on camera, explains Ben Chodor, president at Intrado Digital Media.

Speaking to IR Magazine’s Jeff Cossette, Chodor discusses how Covid has rapidly accelerated the adoption of video by corporate communications and provides advice for engaging with a virtual audience. ‘Embrace it… video is only going to become more prevalent going forward,’ he says.

This episode of The Ticker is sponsored by Intrado Digital Media.

Listen to the podcast recording below >

In this podcast you’ll hear about:
– Engaging your audience in the virtual environment
– The four don’ts when it comes to presenting on video
– Why companies should consider video for earnings calls
– Tips for prepping your home studio.

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Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London