Back to the basics of capitalism: Texas talks ESG-skeptic voting as politics weighs on IROs
Almost a third of North American IROs cite political action as main driver of anti-ESG sentiment, finds IR Intel research
Inside the minds of SEC influencers: From the Friday night dump to the ‘sexiest’ reporting season
Michelle Leder of footnoted* on her approach to examining filings, the numbers she always reads and why companies should just lay their cards on the table
ESG reporting and engagement: Seven tips for IR teams navigating new rules and evolving investor preferences
Key tips and takeaways from a panel discussion on ESG reporting and engagement, advising how IR professionals can navigate new rules and evolving investor preferences
Sun Life aims to save 400 hours of staff time with ESG prioritization tool
Canadian financial services company uses tool to decide which ESG ratings and rankings to focus on
Why so many ESG reporting standards miss the point
Investors need less data, more focus
Climate Action 100+ exits are about climate evolution, not a loss of momentum, says ESG expert
New report examines voting patterns of big money managers that have exited or scaled back involvement in prominent climate-activist coalition
IR teams bring structure and efficiency to ESG engagement
But there are some easy wins being left on the table, say consultants
The regulators are coming – but you don’t have to run for the hills
Act now if you want to skate to where the puck is going to be
CSRD & ESRS compliance: Challenges, strategies and global impact
New EU regulation ‘may become a de facto global ESG reporting standard’
The changing way IR teams are using LinkedIn
Companies are getting more sophisticated about how they share investor-focused information
AGM season 2024: IROs need to recognize that deforestation is hitting their bottom line
Amid the debate on what companies should or shouldn’t be doing on ESG, some things remain crystal clear: understanding and addressing business externalities is essential, and issues that affect the bottom line cannot be ignored. Deforestation is one of these. Investors and IR professionals are concerned about climate change, and increasingly about nature loss. More […]
Targeting, corporate access or sell-side research: What did we talk about before ESG?
In 2021, three quarters of IR Magazine cover stories focused on ESG. We looked at how companies were increasingly tying executive compensation to ESG, explored the ways in which ESG was being integrated into sell-side research and examined how ESG was shaping corporate reporting. Of course, IR Magazine has long covered ESG issues – just […]
BAT’s double-materiality journey and how AI can help simplify CSRD reporting: The Ticker 147
We navigate the intricate landscape of corporate reporting, with a spotlight on ESG
How Singapore Reits tell their story in a crowded market
IR teams are deepening disclosures and leveraging technology to fill the information gap for investors
Which social numbers really matter to investors?
Blue-chip companies spend big bucks on social programs. Apple, for example, recently increased its budget for its diversity program alone from $100 mn to $200 mn, while Mercedes Group spent €97 mn ($104 mn) on training in 2023, up from €93 mn the year before. The areas normally included under the S pillar of ESG are […]
Lyft’s wild earnings ride was an IR nightmare, but it’s a surprisingly common scenario
Data shows companies have frequently had to update earnings and dividend releases
CSRD Chat: The passion-project AI bot helping companies analyze ESG regulation
Alex Annaev talks sustainability workloads, the CSRD impact on IR and how AI can change the future of ESG reporting
Which environmental numbers really matter to investors?
Recently, the head of ESG at a blue-chip asset manager that is paying more than $200,000 annually for ESG data told me: ‘Once we get this ton of data from a major data provider, our work just begins. We have to make some financial sense of it.’ His remark points to a fundamental problem with […]
Evolving beyond disclosure: 2024’s ESG trends, opportunities and challenges
Investors are setting their sights on more than just metrics
Research shows misgivings about ESG investing reducing returns are wrong – so what can IR do to bridge the gap?
In the dynamic landscape of financial decision-making, the importance of non-financial objectives – encapsulated in ESG criteria – has become central for governments, corporations and investors. Even as recent forecasts project a significant increase in ESG-related assets under management, concerns about the potential impact on returns persist. That has significant implications for IR professionals, who […]
Reporting trends for 2024: What comes next?
This new white paper from Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN) takes a deep dive into the critical reporting trends public companies must prepare for in 2024. Download it below to: Please complete the form below with the information requested. Once you have filled in the form, you will receive or be taken to the report. We […]
TCFD bids adieu at COP28
FSB officially passes responsibility for climate-related financial reporting to ISSB from 2024
Understanding the TNFD: Former BlackRock director talks business impact – The Ticker 143
Conversation with Jessica McDougall, chair of corporate governance and engagement practice at Longacre Square Partners
Shell ranks second for ESG efforts despite backtracking on oil-reduction promises
New report analyzes UK, US and European investor relations and corporate websites
AI tool allows anyone to generate score for sustainability reports
Team of researchers wants to use tech to expose greenwashing
Why effective ESG starts and ends with your investors
Follow these basic steps to lay the groundwork for a successful ESG journey with investors
Sustainability reporting: Navigating the iterative process of ESG report drafting
Five steps to strong sustainability reporting for the biggest business impact – Step 3
Sustainability reporting: Organizing and structuring your report
Five steps to strong sustainability reporting for the biggest business impact – Step 2
Sustainability reporting: Get the basics in place – Set priorities and develop a strategy
Five steps to strong sustainability reporting for the biggest business impact – Step 1