Jeannie Ong

Jeannie Ong

Founding board member & IR advisor

Jeannie has more than 25 years of experience working in the leadership teams of listed companies and start-ups, across different industries and regions. In her corporate roles, Jeannie has helmed successful Initial Public Offering, raised sizeable capital, built credibility for her companies with the global investment community and the regional media, raised the companies’ profiles, been the face and voice of the companies and won many accolades in Branding, Communications, Investor Relations (IR), Marketing and Sustainability. She was instrumental in developing Corporate Communications, IR, and Sustainability frameworks and playbooks as well as setting up her core function teams from scratch in all the companies that she served.

Jeannie is the Founding Board Member and IR Advisor at AetriaHeath, a healthcare startup based in Thailand. She serves as a Board of Director at the National Arthritis Foundation in Singapore, and chairs its Marketing and Publicity Committee. Jeannie has been supporting the Singapore Institute of Directors for its LED module on stakeholder engagement, a compulsory programme for new Board of Directors of listco, on a pro bono basis, as she wants to help elevate the status of IR in the corporate world.

Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London