Best Practice Report: Innovating with earnings calls

The best companies continue to innovate with their earnings call format, constantly looking for ways to communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders and add value to their firm at a critical economic time. We speak to leading IROs at global brands to find out their best-in-class approach to this essential part of the IR role to inform and inspire report readers in their own upcoming earnings calls.

The key benefits an IRO will get from reading the report:

  1. Define and get right the basics of a successful multi-stakeholder earnings call
  2. Discover the new ideas IRO peers at corporate giants are actioning
  3. Use the latest in-person and virtual tactics most effectively
  4. Measure and demonstrate the success of your messages landing
  5. Maximize the value of your earnings calls post-event

Click here to read this best practice report

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Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London